FLL Challenge History

MasterPiece – 2023 (DJ Roos)

This year’s robot game is about the technology that will improve an audience’s experience of a creative production. Points are scored by activating different types of technology. The experts involved in designing the shows and the audience members need to be delivered to various venues around the mat.
How we share our own hobbies and interests with others can be an expression of our creative selves. People who work in the arts can teach us a lot about how to communicate, how to engage, and how to entertain an audience of any size. What can you learn from museums, theatres, and films that can help you share what you love to do?

DJ Roos Innovation Project: A virtual presence device to share our love of robotics, Lego and programming with students in rural and remote locations.

Competitions and awards:
Torrens Park Regional, Scotch College, South Australia
– Robot Design Award
– Runner Up Robot Performance Award
Southern National Championship, Ulverstone, Tasmania
– 10th out of 44 for Robot Performance

MasterPiece – 2023 (Virtual Roos)

This year’s robot game is about the technology that will improve an audience’s experience of a creative production. Points are scored by activating different types of technology. The experts involved in designing the shows and the audience members need to be delivered to various venues around the mat.
How we share our own hobbies and interests with others can be an expression of our creative selves. People who work in the arts can teach us a lot about how to communicate, how to engage, and how to entertain an audience of any size. What can you learn from museums, theatres, and films that can help you share what you love to do?
Virtual Roos Innovation Project: Magic Glove – Vibration glove to enable hearing impaired/deaf community to feel music and sound to enable them to participate in music, arts and drama.

Competitions and awards:
Angle Vale Regional, South Australia
-Champions Award Winner
-Robot Performance Award Winner

Southern Nationals, Ulverstone, Tasmania
-Robot Performance Award Winner

SUPERPOWERED – 2022 (RoboRoos Rockets)

The growth of RoboRoos continues with this season. We needed THREE teams to accommodate all the students that wanted to participate and it was incredible.
This season was all about energy; where it comes from, and how it is distributed, stored, and used. And for the first time, 2 home bases were added.
From the machines that move us to the electronics that connect us to the ways we power our cities and towns, energy is essential in our lives. Have you thought about where energy comes from? How it’s generated? How it gets to you? How much you’re using?
RoboRoos Rockets innovation project: The fish elevator focuses on the negative environmental effects of hydropower, namely ecosystem collapse, biodiversity loss and effects on communities, by providing a solution to dams’ disruption to fish migration and water flows.
This season was an amazing one for the Rockets, they competed at the SA Regionals and received the 1st place Champions Award and the 1st place Robot Performance Award which lead to their invite to the Nationals in Melbourne. In Melbourne they showed an outstanding performance and received the Runner Up Champions Award and the 1st place Robot Performance award. From this they were invited to the Internationals in Morocco and showed the world what Adelaide students were about. They walked away with the Rising All Star award, making us extremely proud.

SUPERPOWERED – 2022 (RoboRoos Rangers)

The growth of RoboRoos continues with this season. We needed THREE teams to accommodate all the students that wanted to participate and it was incredible.
This season was all about energy; where it comes from, and how it is distributed, stored, and used. And for the first time, 2 home bases were added.
From the machines that move us to the electronics that connect us to the ways we power our cities and towns, energy is essential in our lives. Have you thought about where energy comes from? How it’s generated? How it gets to you? How much you’re using?

The Rangers Project: A solar panel cleaning robot, capable of cleaning in residential settings, using minimal electricity and conserves water by using natural rainwater.

The RoboRoos Rangers competed incredibly well throughout the season and their hard work paid off. At the SA Regionals they received 1st place Robot Design Award and 1st place Robot Performance Award. From here the team went on to the Nationals in Melbourne where they earned 2nd place Robot Performance award. 
The RoboRoos Rangers went on to compete at the APOC Internation and scored the Highest Ranked Australian Team in Robot Run, ranked 13 in the world. 

SUPERPOWERED – 2022 (RoboRoos Sombreroos)

The growth of RoboRoos continues with this season. We needed THREE teams to accommodate all the students that wanted to participate and it was incredible.
This season was all about energy; where it comes from, and how it is distributed, stored, and used. And for the first time, 2 home bases were added.
From the machines that move us to the electronics that connect us to the ways we power our cities and towns, energy is essential in our lives. Have you thought about where energy comes from? How it’s generated? How it gets to you? How much you’re using?

Sombreroos Innovation Project:
Chargaroo – the mobility scooter assistance aid

The Sombreroos worked really hard, and although they were a new team they managed to do really well. At the SA Regionals they received the 1st place Champions Award and 1st place Robot Performance Award. They then went on to compete at Nationals in Melbourne. Unfortunately, they didn’t receive any award during this competition but there were still smiling faces as they did the best they could and had a great time. 

Cargo Connect – 2021 (RoboRoos West)

RoboRoos has grown so much in the last few years and now it’s time for FLL Challenge to grow too. This growth meant we needed two teams to accommodate all our FLL Challenge students and we were happy to oblige.
This competition focuses on cargo transport. Missions include taking cargo from a cargo plane and dropping crates from a helicopter.
Everyone depends on the transportation of goods for their daily needs. As more demands are placed on the transportation systems, we will continue to face challenges unless we find new ways, or improve existing ways, to transport products from place to place.
RoboRoos West performed extremely well at the SA Regionals earning themselves two awards. The Robot Design award and 1st place Robot Performance award. From this the team went on to compete at the Nationals remotely. Here they competed and received the 1st place Champions Award and the 2nd place Robot Performance award. From here they were invited to attend the International Competition.

Cargo Connect – 2021 (RoboRoos East) 

This competition focuses on cargo transport. Missions include taking cargo from a cargo plane and dropping crates from a helicopter.
Everyone depends on the transportation of goods for their daily needs. As more demands are placed on the transportation systems, we will continue to face challenges unless we find new ways, or improve existing ways, to transport products from place to place.

RoboRoos has grown so much in the last few years and now it’s time for FLL Challenge to grow too. This growth meant we needed two teams to accommodate all our FLL Challenge students and we were happy to oblige

RoboRoos Rangers (East) performed extremely well at the SA Regionals receiving the Champions Award and 2nd place Robot Performance award.  
From this they advanced to the Nationals

RePlay – 2020

This was a hybrid competition that focused on health and sports. Missions involved things such as pushing a minifigure down a slide. This was the first season to use LEGO Education SPIKE Prime parts.
The team was focused on Rewarding Exercise for their innovation project. 
The team competed in the SA Regionals and received two awards; the Robot Design award and the Robot Performance award. From here the team went on to the Nationals which they competed in virtually (thanks COVID). Here the team earned themselves 2nd place Robot Performance. 
It was a difficult season for all and we are so proud of what the team accomplished. 

City Shaper – 2019

City Shaper focused on cities, and missions involved things such as putting a bat on a tree, resolving a traffic jam, and causing a wheelchair swing to swing.

This was a unique year as competition rules changed, a “home area” was created and for the first time teams were asked to stop on the map, or the bridge on the map in this case. This allowed for two tables to have what was called “A battle for the bridge.” Robots that only went up the bridge on one table were rewarded the points associated with the bridge. If both robots went up the bridge, points were awarded to the robot who was positioned higher up on the bridge.
Our teams focus this year was Making Playgrounds Fun For All!

The team had a great time this season, although there were some new rules to learn they did amazing. At the SA Regionals in Adelaide they received the 1st place Champions Award leading them to go on to Nationals in Sydney. In Sydney they earned the Programming Award before heading home for some much needed rest. 

Into Orbit – 2018

The 2018/2019 FIRST® LEGO League season will transport your team into space, where you’ll explore, challenge, and innovate in the vast expanse of space.
The Project assignment for this season was to identify a physical or social problem faced by humans during long duration space exploration within our Sun’s solar system and propose a solution.
Our project: How to make sleeping in the International Space station more comfortable.

This was another incredible year for our FLL team, they received multiple awards along the way from Adelaide to Detroit. At the SA Regionals in Adelaide the team received two awards; 1st place Champions Award and 1st place Robot Performance. From here the team went onto the Nationals in Sydney where they were awarded 2nd place Champions award. They worked incredibly hard and earned their way towards the International Competition in Detroit and their work paid off. They received the 1st place Programming Award.

Hydro Dynamics – 2017

On your mark, get set, flow! Learn all about water – how we find, transport, use, or dispose of it. This year’s challenge focused on missions related to water, such as deploying a water pump, and turning a faucet. 

Teams are invited to identify a problem in the human water cycle and examine it to determine the cause and current solutions that may exist. Teams then solve to the problem by improving on a previous solution or creating a new one. Teams finally create a presentation that describes their solution and how they reached it and present it to the judges at their competitions. Our team’s focus was Hydrotherapy paddles for a cheaper and more effective recovery. 

This was an awesome year for our team as they received the 1st place Champions Award at the SA Regionals before going on to Sydney to compete in the Nationals. At the Nationals the team again received the 1st place Champions award which lead them to the International Championships in Houston. There they competed and were awarded the 1st place Innovative Solution award for their hydrotherapy paddles. 

Animal Allies – 2016

In 2016, the RoboRoos again competed at the regional competition in Adelaide and were thrilled to receive the Champions Award for SA, which recognises the best team at the competition. This meant that they were to once again invited to compete at the nationals in Sydney. In Sydney, the RoboRoos received the programming award and were chosen as one of two teams to attend the FIRST World Championships in Houston, Texas!
Houston was an exciting experience for our young team who spent time immersing themselves in different cultures and competing against the best teams in the World. The team were also pleasantly surprised to receive third place for their presentation on training free range chickens to maximise time spent outdoors.

Some of the best experiences at the Championships included having the chance to perform our presentation for all of the other competing teams and going to spectate and support the RoboRoos FRC team who also attended the Championship.

Trash Trek – 2015

The 2015 challenge, “Trash Trek”, was based around recycling, following the theme set by the earlier FIRST Robotics Competition challenge. The RoboRoos took part once more, competing in the regional competition and picking up the award for the best presentation. This took them to the nationals in Sydney, where once again the team took their robot (the “Tiny Round Unicorn”) to compete against the best in Australia. There they picked up the Gracious Professionalism award and were one of ten teams chosen to compete in the worlds.
Unfortunately, timetabling schedules meant that we had to end our campaign in Sydney, but being selected was a wonderful reward for all the work that the students and mentors and put into the competition.

First Class – 2014

The 2014 challenge, “First Class”, incorporated elements from science, design and learning. The RoboRoos FLL team competed in November, 2014 at the South Australian tournament, along with almost 30 other teams. They successfully achieved the ‘Gracious Professionalism’ award and qualified to go to the nationals in Sydney in December, 2014.
The team showed excellent team spirit when they arrived in Sydney, discovering the robot’s attachments had been left behind in Adelaide and got together madly remaking Lego parts on the eve of the competition. They once again excelled, receiving the Judges award for ‘Creative Thinking’.